This week I got to meet my official personal health coach -Linda!
Nurse Debby greeted me and took me to my little room. She is such a warm friendly person, you just have to feel positive and up beat around her.
As I waited for Linda, I looked over my food log. On my food log, I opted to pick my 3 worst days. Because, quite frankly, I have more bad days then good days when I’m not feeling 100% motivated. I really wanted her to give me tips on how to avoid bad food days. It also helped that this last week was filled with stress & anxiety about my car, a holiday, and having dinner with my parents. Mind you, dinner with my parents doesn't mean it's bad food, I just tend to let my guard down and over eat when I’m there. Something about being comfort food and food I don’t make for myself.
Next, I looked over my motivators and things preventing me from achieving my goals. I was told to be 100% honest if I really wanted this to work for me. So I was. For motivators, I checked off the obvious, to be healthier, look & feel better, more energy, and more self-esteem. Plus, it also had “to be a good role model” - so I checked that one off pretty quickly. For things preventing me, again many were checked off. Standard ones like time, cost, holidays/celebrations, & stress. Also checked off low self-esteem here. I have a self-sabotage history where I’ll do really well in the beginning, but once I lose that motivation, I start the slow down hill cycle of giving up little by little, until I’m back to square one or even 10 to 20 steps further behind. Again I need to be 100% honest in order to stop this cycle once and for all.
Once again, I was told I was her first person, so I was going to be the “learn as we go” person for them. Makes sense since they have a different medical staff down in Carmel , that this would be new for the Chicago office now.
Her first question was why am I doing this now. I told her pretty much what I’ve been telling my friends & family all this time. I’m tired of all the damage I’ve done to myself over the years and want to stop the cycle of self-sabotage and be healthy and fit once and for all.
Next was topic was breakfast in general. Having to leave the house by 5:15am, I’ve opted for getting as many Z’s as I could and just eat breakfast at work. I figured since got to work before 7am, I was still good at having breakfast at the start of my day. Surely a win for my little devil inside! But as Linda explained, I really needed to have it earlier in the day. Since my day started earlier, it needed to have the energy right away to set my metabolism for the whole day. Plus, she and my little angel inside both noticed I tended not to eat breakfast at all on the weekends or work at home days. So to help make it a better habit, eating breakfast BEFORE leaving in the morning it is. Course, Linda did say on those mornings where I was really needed those extra Z’s, I could get my breakfast on the train. Just make sure I bring it with me, no picking it up on the way. The little angel in me silenced the little devil immediately. You have a new car payment, so shouldn’t be buying breakfast out anyway!. Again, the little devil had to sit back down and agree.
This includes sugar substitutes, which most health coaches aren’t fans of any way. But the thought of absolutely no cake, cookie, pie, doughnut, ice cream, brownie, muffin, flavored iced coffee, or lemonade during the next 12 weeks actually scares the little angel in me, while she watches the little devil in me concoct its plan to trip me up during the next 12 weeks. In my little devil’s mind are all the summer parties and hot days that ice cream is really great for cooling off. Fortunately, the little angel in me is stronger and reminding me that its only 12 weeks and if I really want to break this cycle, its in my best interest to just concede to no processed sugar items. Little victory today, but will see how long she stays on top.
We're back to my food log and on the subject of breakfast again. Since I was at the high end of normal for my cholesterol levels, she wants me to stick to oatmeal or other high grain/high fiber breakfast foods during the 12 weeks. Just no added sugar items. I let Linda know that won’t be a problem as I love my oatmeal in the morning with banana and walnuts and a little brown sugar. Linda told me to have the oatmeal without brown sugar or any processed sugar or sugar substitute. While a little defeated, my little devil is still happy that she’s OK with banana & walnuts. Even after Linda mentions that I should not have more than 1/3 of a large banana, since bananas are higher in natural sugar then other fruits. She also told me instead of using sugar, that I add 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt in. It will give my yogurt a creamy texture & flavor, plus a little protein. Linda also suggested I try adding blueberries instead of bananas, and suggested for a bit of a variety. The little devil squirmed a bit, as I am not a fan of most yogurts, but the little angel said, “Try it, you might like it.” So yogurt went on my grocery list for that night, course, I have yet try it.
Next on the list of items to go – No more pop, flavored waters or drinks made with processed or artificial sugars. My little devil cried out “Please tell me there is no processed sugar in beer!” My little angel said “Hush! Your mom reads this blog! Besides, not only is drinking alcohol not all the great for you, you don’t drink a lot and we can probably come up with other options if we really need too. Screwdrivers with just OJ & Vodka will do fine.” My little devil is relieved.
They rest of my eating plan is just to continue the food log, eat 3-4 balanced meals, drink lots of water. Oh, and on the food log, I only have to worry about tracking calories. She also told me about a couple good free websites that provide free calorie counters and other fitness information.
Next is exercise. Linda, my little angel and I, all decide its time to get back to using the free fitness center again. My knee is all better, but we agreed using just the treadmill isn’t a good thing. One, I don’t want to worry about injuring myself again, and it tends to get boring after a while. So we created a plan where I will use the gym 3 days a week. Plus, along with trying the bike and elliptical machine, Linda wants me to use more weight machines. Fortunately, both my little angel and devil are excited about adding weights. Course, my little devil has already won a couple battles by hitting snooze in the am this week. But my little angel is reminding me as I type this, that my little devil needs to hit its own snooze button in the morning, so she can make sure I get out of bed and to the fitness center. Linda also recommended I do some exercise once on the weekend, and with a buddy might help. Perhaps walking. My little angel says I could ask my mom. Mom & I used to walk the indoor track all the time.
After both my eating & exercise plans are in place, Linda hands me 2 more sheets. I need to come up with 3 SMART Goals. They have to be measurable realistic goals I can achieve during these first 12 weeks. Obviously one would be to lose weight, but I have to determine how much I think I can. Others can be about breaking bad habits or developing new ones. But they can also be about things I hope to be able to do again or try for the 1st time. So I’m working on those still. I can tell you that the little angel in me is hoping she can just kick my little devil’s butt completely by the end of these 1st 12 weeks.
Where I stand right now is that Mom and I will walk on the track one day each weekend, provided our schedules allow. If not, Bailey will be my partner. After Monday’s session, I stopped at the grocery store and stocked up on more fresh fruits and veggies and some plain yogurt. Then came home and tossed all the bad food in the fridge and cabinets. It was hard to dump out some sugar free lemonade and Diet Coke, by my little angel held down my little devil through it all. I’m still making individual packets of items so its easy to grab and go eat day. As well as making it easy to make a healthy dinner as soon as I get home from work.
I’m sure I’m forgetting some other handy tips and nutritional information she passed along, but I’ll share as I remember in future posts. Please remember, this is a health plan that is being designed for me by medical professionals. You should also consult your own doctor for a plan that is best for you. Even Linda said no 2 people are alike, so it’s impossible to have just one health plan that works for everyone. However, my one word of advice I think is safe to pass along to everyone, listen more to your little angels inside, then your little devils :-)
You know.....Beer is one of those 4 letter words...... Bad, Bad, Bad.........
ReplyDeleteHA HA HA - Mom :-)