As I was riding home on the train in my usual window seat tonight, I enjoyed being able to really look at all the neighborhoods now that the sun is still up after work. I often like to look at all the houses and neighborhoods, then try to imagine what it would be like to live there. For some of the areas, I dream about winning one of those huge lottery jackpots, then going into some of these areas and offer to restore them to what I would imagine they once were. But today, one area reminded me of the home I grew up in until the middle of 1st grade.
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Where I first left my heart....7806 S Winchester |
The home I once thought was prefect and never wanted to leave. There was no better place to live than this home. My family lived in a 3 flat on Winchester Ave in Chicago. Just looking at this picture of the old building brings a few tears to my eyes as all the memories come rushing back to me. The Lenz families, who lived on the 1st and 2nd floors, welcomed my family into theirs. We spent many years going to the same schools, dance and piano recitals, and family picnics. Even shared many family heart breaks. These were the neighbors who were there for you through thick and thin. All of us kids became like brothers and sisters to each other. Sure, we fought with each other, but if someone else on the block picked on one of us, they had to face a whole slew of kids ready to defend each other. Running downstairs to borrow a few eggs or a cup of milk was a normal occurrence; not just something out of a "Leave it to Beaver" episode. One of the moms was always willing to watch someone else's children when they had to run to pick up another from school. People walked every where or took a bus. I still have fond memories of walking with my mom while she would walk to take my older sister, Deb, to Little Flower grade school. I couldn't tell you the names of the streets, but my favorite stop along the way was of this little florist at a street light while waiting to cross a busy street. It was just a little store front and it must have been fall, because I remember there was a glossy ceramic pumpkin with a light in the window, surrounded by tons of mums and decorative fall leaves. I would look forward to getting to that spot every day to see what new display and flowers would be in the window.
It marvels me sometimes how many memories I have of this home and the neighborhood, considering I really wasn't there very long, maybe a little over 5 years. Yet, I could probably write 100s of pages on all my memories there from having my tonsils removed, my bike and ring stolen, to tons of happy memories of dad taking us sledding when it snows, and to the zoos and museums on Saturdays so Mom could clean. Course, there were also many fun trips with mom to both my grandmothers' homes, the numerous dance lessons she took us too, and how she helped us practice for them and make sure our costumes and make up were just right. Family time would include drive in movie nights in our pajamas to special dinners when Dad would come home from the Reserves, not to mention our Friday & birthday nights at Nick and Vito trying to eat as many pieces as we were years old. (Which was some what easy considering they cut their pizzas into tiny squares.) Even as I type this, I keep thinking of more and more special moments, so perhaps I'll have to write about a few of them another time.
Anyway, this place at 7806 S Winchester, is definitely still one of those places I will always thinking of in my first "home". My sister and I both cried when Mom and Dad announced we had to move. But with the promise of our own yard, and being able to plant flowers and get our own dog, I anxiously looked forward to moving to Orland Park. The house that would become my forever "home". Sure, I've moved around a few time with college apartments & Michigan, and Oh my, how Orland has changed since 1973. But as we all know, its the memories that make a place home, not just the buildings. So this wonderful bi-level home will never be out done. My sisters and I all have lots of shared memories, and lots of separate memories. But we all have one thing in common. When things are at their worst, we are stressed out or just feeling under the weather, there is just one place we all want to me...."at home", our parents home.
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Where I Always Go "Home" |
Its funny how as a child, teen or college student, we all couldn't wait to "get out of there", yet now, we all love going back to visit. Maybe its they way our parents did so much to make this place a home. Everything from remodeling bits and parts each year to planting the promised flowers. But I think a lot of it has to do with the sacrifices, undying love and support they've always given us trying to mold us into good, happy adults. We took it all for granted as kids, yet now we get it. So when we need that comforting boost, we go home, to the place where unconditional love never runs out and the door is always open.
Like many, I sought out finding a place to call home like that just for myself. I thought I found it in Michigan. In 2005 I shocked everyone who knew me and took a job in a Detroit suburb. I still remember the minute I crossed into the Michigan border on that Sunday afternoon in April 2005 in my over-packed blue 2003 Chevy Cavalier. I was still hours away from my little extended stay motel, but it felt like I was home. This was the place I was supposed to live. The calm peacefulness that came over me was a welcome feeling. Especially since just over an hour ago, I had rushed home to see my Aunt Virginia, who was at my parents house, before leaving. They all wished me well, but feeling their nervousness and doubt about my decision, I was wondering if I was making a mistake. But now, all that doubt was instantly gone. It felt comforting and strange because being naturally shy and self-conscious when not knowing anyone, I felt a strong sense of strength and independence. My doubt and uninsured feelings were replaced with excitement and anticipation. And when I closed buying my first home ever that following July, all those feelings just multiplied. I really embraced making this Detroit suburb my home. Even before I closed, I treasured my weekend drives exploring with nothing but the atlas my dad have given me. It was a bit outdated, but the main roads were all there, so that's all the matter...that, and getting used to the Michigan "left turns". LOL
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Hines Park, Livonia, Michigan |
One of the many things I began to love were all the little lakes in the area. Hines Park became one of my favorites. In 2006, after I got Bailey, it became our regular exploring spot every Saturday. This was a beautiful long winding road through a couple suburbs along a river. People would ride bikes, run, fish, row boats, walk their dogs, or bring their families to picnic or feed the ducks or swans. With Bailey still being a puppy, I often got nervous he would jump off the pier to grab a duck, or the fish you could see in the crystal clear water. But thankfully, he was an awesome obedient dog from day one.
I made some good friends here , who became my Michigan family. I joined a bowling league, who openly accepted my starting 78 point average. They also opened my eyes to huge world of scrap-booking, along with taking me to Canada for the first time in my life! But it was all to come to end in May 2007 when I was let go. My world seemed to come crashing down all around me. The real estate market was already crashing as many of the automakers had closed plants and let go 1000's of workers in the past year. The triple down effect was hitting the local schools and restaurants which were starting to close, meaning more unemployed workers and homes for sale. No one wanted to buy anything, since they weren't sure they would have a job tomorrow. I tried desperately to find another job in Michigan so I could stay in the home is grew to love. But fate just wasn't in the cards for me. Fortunately, I did find a job in about 2 months. It wasn't isn't in Michigan, but back in Illinois, back to my parents, back to my forever "home". I'm still not sure how I managed to pack my Pods container with tears constantly streaming down my face. Not only was I having to sell my home, leave my friends, but I was also going to have to give up my kitty, Murphy. But I managed to sign the real estate contracts, packed the Pods container and found Murphy a great new home all through lots of tears. Then once again, on a Sunday afternoon, I was driving my over-packed 2003 blue Chevy Cavalier back across state lines. But this time, I had company, I had Bailey.
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Bailey |
Fast forward to 2010, after 2 more jobs, and finally ridding myself of Michigan Home, I found a new place to call "home." Strangely enough, one of the things I also liked about Michigan, was if I drove just a few miles further west, I was in Horse Country. When I decided on buying my townhouse, it was only supposed to be for 5 years. I would build up my equity and then sell it to buy one of the very affordable little horse ranches. I would have Bailey, Murphy and soon, the horse I used to dream about having as a little girl. I even bought a book on how to raise horses so I would be ready when the time came for all the care and finances that would be needed.
When I was finally free of my Michigan home, I started looking for rentals. The trick was to find a place that would allow me to keep Bailey. He was my rock during those many moments when I just wanted to throw in the towel. If a place wouldn't allow Bailey, then it wasn't for me. Then low and behold, I found the perfect place....a lovely 2 bedroom ranch on a horse farm! And ironically, it was 5 years after made my original goal to myself back in Michigan. Sure, its not in Michigan, and I don't own it. But I love it....Absolutely Positively Love It!
When I was finally free of my Michigan home, I started looking for rentals. The trick was to find a place that would allow me to keep Bailey. He was my rock during those many moments when I just wanted to throw in the towel. If a place wouldn't allow Bailey, then it wasn't for me. Then low and behold, I found the perfect place....a lovely 2 bedroom ranch on a horse farm! And ironically, it was 5 years after made my original goal to myself back in Michigan. Sure, its not in Michigan, and I don't own it. But I love it....Absolutely Positively Love It!
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My little "Home" on a the horse farm. |
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Sunset on the horse farm. |
I'm guessing God was listening to my brain on the train tonight. I think He heard me reminiscing and missing my first home back on Winchester and decided to send me a sign. I think this, because as I was driving home from the train through all the farms I pass, I noticed the most beautiful sunset. Maybe it was just that I hadn't been able to see the sunset on the drive home from work in months, but as I drove closer to home, it made me realize one thing. I was once again driving toward a place I'm slowly turning into my newest "home" and it was going to be so much more me, then my first home on Winchester or my Michigan home.
They say "Home is where the heart is." Which is true. But what they don't tell you, is that you can leave your heart in more than one place.
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